It can be frustrating to consistently create and post social media content, week after week, and not see the results you want. Your goals may include a certain number of likes or followers, or converting x number of these new leads into customers. Whatever the case may be, make sure your social media marketing strategy doesn’t end at the post.
Follow through with these 4 tips for a social media marketing strategy that works for you from start to finish:
1. Provide meaningful content. Don’t just provide content, anyone can do that! Thoughtfully decide what and how you will present material, including tips & tricks, quotes, pictures & videos that highlight the heart and motivation behind your brand. Set yourself up, and be consistent, as a leader in your industry and you will be recognized for it!
2. Make it a two-way street. It’s easy to post on social media and leave it at that. However, take it to the next level by being engaged with colleagues and potential customers. Like, comment, and share other people’s posts and follow people or pages that are in line with your business. (Simple, online networking!)
3. Get some insight. Have you used the “insights” feature on Facebook or LinkedIn? With the Facebook Insights tool you can see WHO and HOW people are responding to your posts. Similarly, on LinkedIn, you can see who has viewed your profile and it will summarize important information about them for you.
4. Follow-up. Develop a strategy for connecting with your customers on social media. While you may not follow up on every like, you may take special note of any shares, comments, or new follows. Send them a quick message thanking them, follow them back, or reciprocate with a like on their page. If you have access to it, add their email to your marketing drip campaign and keep them in the loop!
Give us a call at AVMS at 615-348-7768 for help in developing your complete social media marketing strategy. Check us out! –>
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