You see that little red notification button on your LinkedIn icon and, lo and behold, someone viewed your profile!
Now what? Just as in face-to-face networking, your next move is to follow up.
1. See the bigger picture.
Know yourself, what your network-building intentions are, and how that relates to your business goals. There is a difference between networking to build your business and networking in search of a job. Your purpose will help guide your response when someone views your profile.
2. Know your audience.
Hopefully you’ve considered the point above. Understand your audience and consider your voice, content, and timeliness in responding. If you’ve recently applied for a job and notice the hiring manager viewed your profile take a deep breath and… wait for them to contact you. If someone who viewed your profile piques your interest, view his or hers! Find something you have in common and reach out to them with a personal message.
3. Play it cool.
Your initial message should be a simple conversation starter an invitation for coffee.Communicating your business goals while understanding your audience will help to guide the interaction with your potential contact. Use this as an opportunity to encourage further conversation. Keep in mind, not everyone you meet will turn into a valuable connection. But only the ones you connect with will have the potential – it’s your job to determine who they are!
For more tips and examples of how to nurture your connections on LinkedIn, click here.
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