Does your usual business schedule and focus just feel “off” in the summer? With so much to do and so many distractions, we get it; it’s hard to manage everything! So, why not combine the fun of summer with the business of networking?
Here’s how you can and why you should:
- Get outside: BBQ, canoeing, golfing and so on.
There’s no better way to build connections than to combine fresh air, fun activities, and teamwork. Getting outside in more hands-on activities brings people together, brings down the stress, and takes the pressure off. Plus, ties and heels are really not recommended at BBQs, so people are more at ease right off the bat.
- Do something together: community service events, ziplines, team sports.
These summertime events are the perfect opportunity to see people in action and, by their very nature, help you to make more connections at one time. Instead of having to introduce yourself and give your spiel to one or two people at a time, the group-work atmosphere speeds up the process and increases the quality of your connections.
- Outdoor dining: hit a summer hotspot or seasonal locale.
More like your typical networking event, meet at a restaurant patio overlooking the water or a restaurant rooftop. Enjoy the tastes of summer in a more casual networking atmosphere. Set a casual dress code, put some music on, and take all of the pressure out of networking. All of the same business, with less of the stuffiness!
People do business with people they like, and social activities will help you gravitate towards new friends faster than the traditional business card exchange events.
Ready to get started? Visit my website for information about AVMS Locals and our upcoming networking events. Join us on July 30th at The Rudder at Anchor High Marina!