If you’ve read my blog in the past, you’ve likely read that you should have several elevator speeches based on your networking strategy for that particular event. Each event, group of people, and even your personal networking goals vary, so it’s important to be consistent but versatile in how and what message you’re delivering.
Attending a networking event with the specific intention of landing a job is one such example. How does being a job seeker change or influence your networking strategy? Check out these tips to get started.
- Review your personal goals. What is your dream job? Where do you see yourself in 10 years and how does an employment decision influence that? What experiences have you had that are influencing this decision? It’s important to understand why you’re making this career change and what your motivation and goals are moving forward. Whatever the case may be, take a minute to redefine your bigger picture goals.
- Perfect your elevator speech. Based on what you decided above, you may need to adjust your elevator speech. On a job-seeking mission, your elevator speech should be geared more towards a sell of yourself. Review your resume – incorporate your purpose and past experience into a spiel about your future goals. Make sure to include some personal highlights, such as successes or motivations you’ve picked up during your career.
- Update your networking materials. Take a look at your handouts and business cards – is everything up to date? If you don’t have them, this may be a good time to get generic, personal business cards. Don’t forget to include your (personal, non-business related) online materials, website, or social media platforms in this step; they are a huge networking tool!
- Get out your calendar. Make yourself available and be prepared to schedule coffee meetings or job interviews. Realize, though, a networking event may not be the place you walk away with a job. Instead, it’ll be the place you walk away with a new contact who can get you to the right place in their role as a person of influence. Don’t be discouraged, this is the ground work that’ll land your next big job!
Happy job hunting!
Join us at one of our upcoming Nashville Locals events and mingle with fellow Nashville professionals and business leaders. You may just find your big break!