You have no greater business asset than your team members. How are they faring under your leadership?
Consider the environment that is created and the undeniable fact that it starts from the top down. Does your leadership style foster communication? Both between you and your employees and from employee to employee? A strong team environment requires excellent communication. In order to encourage and foster such an environment →
- Be fair and consistent. It can be hard to balance being the “leader” and “part of the team,” but your example and work ethic will not go unnoticed. It’s often said the best leaders are ones that won’t ask you to do something they themselves wouldn’t do. Don’t just pass the buck off to the little guy. Ensure instead your employees strengths are noticed and harnessed to get the right job done by the right person. As your employees see day in and day out the kind of leader and worker you are, that fairness and consistency will naturally foster an openness in communication.
- Encourage change. Be purposeful and create an environment that is inviting open dialogue and the exchange of ideas. For example, plan a team building day, such as a rock climbing or paintball outing. Have lunch afterwards and discuss business goals, progress toward those goals, and open the floor for discussion. Your employees likely have some great ideas in regards to increasing efficiency and boosting sales. Let every voice be heard!
- Expect teamwork. While it’s important for people to individually complete their tasks and carry their weight, it’s even more important that your employees are able to work together. Every task isn’t a group effort, but all the moving parts of your business need to come together towards accomplishing your bigger picture goals. Good communication amongst employees will ensure things are getting handled without your micromanagement and direct oversight – an environment where questions can be asked and answered, problem solving takes place, and the job gets done!
- Have fun. Just because you’re working hard and knocking things off your to-do list doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time! Maybe it’s something as simple as a morning huddle, communal lunch hour, or a mid afternoon break to stretch your legs, clear your mind, and have a few laughs.
Are you ready to make some changes in your business, but not sure where or how to get started? We know change is hard. We also know it may be just the thing you need to reenergize, revitalize, and restore your team to take your business to the next level. Give us a call at Piccolo Marketing at 615-348-7768 to get started.