It’s that time again… time to write a blog. Are you dreading it? Pushing it off? Doing it at the last minute? Or worse, missing a deadline? You’re not alone. It happens to the best of us.
The good news is you can avoid it. First off, you need to acknowledge that you’re struggling with motivation, time, or ideas. Secondly, accept it. Embrace the struggle and use it to push you toward new and improved strategies.
Finally, avoid blog burn out with these tips:
- Review your schedule. Did you initially over commit to the number of blog posts you would create? Maybe it worked for you at the beginning, but as your workload has changed or increased, it may be too much. Remember, the quality and originality of the blogs you post is more important than quantity. Secondly, consider your development and posting schedule. If you never seem to be able to write your blog on the scheduled day, pushing you to throw it together at the last minute, review your calendar. Another day of the week may suit you better.
- Block your time. A good strategy to avoid burnout is to block your time. Break your blog development tasks down into parts and tackle them one at a time in bigger chunks. Consider scheduling multiple phases including research, image search, writing, editing & revising, and posting. For example, you can complete all of your research and image selection at time for the month. Schedule time at a later date to sit down and write 1-2 blogs when your creative juices are flowing. After sending your blog to a second party for editing, you can make all necessary revisions and post it to your website and social media accounts. Give it a try!
- Reach out for ideas. A common problem leading to blog burnout is running out of fresh ideas. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your colleagues, employees, or close friends for inspiration. Keep a list of ideas, writing them down as they come to you. This could be anything from personal experiences, solving a business problem, or a new product or service you’ve implemented in your business. Another suggestion is to start surfing the Internet. What are other bloggers doing – both in your niche and just blogs you like to follow yourself.
- Seek out alternative sources. You don’t have to do it alone! There are blog writing services you could employ, even if for just one blog/month. You could even have employees take turns submitting blog products or feature guest bloggers, including referral partners and mentors. This is a great cross promotion idea if you exchange blogs, expanding your circle of influence.
Need help reviewing, developing, or managing your blog strategy? Give us a call at Piccolo Marketing at 615-348-7768 to avoid dwelling in burn out for too long!